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Arterijska vaskularizacija amigdale psa

dc.creatorBlagojević, Miloš
dc.creatorNešić, Ivana
dc.creatorRanković, V.
dc.creatorStefanović, D.
dc.creatorKerkez, M.
dc.creatorDrekić, Dmitar
dc.description.abstractWe investigated the vascularization of the amygdala of the dog using various contrast agents injected into the internal carotid and vertebral artery. Subsequent clearance of the tissues gives us an opportunity to study the finest capillary network in the amygdala. The corticomedial part of the amygdala has a good vascularization given by the rostral and caudal choroid arteries. The rostral choroid gives off a rich capillary net to the nucleus centralis (NCE), its pars lateralis (NCEL) and pars medialis (NCEM). Nucleus medialis (NM) is poorly vascularized compared to the central nuclei. The massa intercalata (MI) also has a delicate artery around which there is a fine net of capillaries. Nucleus corticalis (NCO) and area enthorhinalis (AER) are better vascularized by the subpial blood vessel. The caudal choroid, a branch of the caudal cerebral artery is a source of subpial capillaries. The basolateral part of the amygdala is very well vascularized by the rostral choroid artery, a branch of the middle cerebral, especially the nucleus basolateralis (NBL) and nucleus lateralis posterior (NLP). The nucleus basomedialis (NBM) is poorly vascularize by the rostral choroid artery . The amygdala, is served by the middle cerebral artery, via its branch, the rostral choroid, and the caudal cerebral artery via its branch the caudal choroid artery. Every amygdala nucleus has its own central artery around which is formed a rich net of capillaries.en
dc.description.abstractProučavanje vaskularizacije amigdale psa vršeno je upotrebom različitih kontrasnih sredstava injiciranih u a. carotis interna i a. vertebralis a prosvetljavanje tkiva daje mogućnost da se prouči i najfinija vaskularna mreža u amigdali. Kortikomedijalni deo amigdale vaskularišu a. choroidea rostralis i a. choroidea caudalis. A. choroidea rostralis, daje bogatu mrežu kapilara u NCE (nucleus centralis) i njegovom lateralnom i medijalnom delu (NCEL i NCEM). Nucleus medialis (NME) je slabije vaskularisan u poredjenju sa vaskularizacijom NCE. Massa intercalata (MI) je takodje snabdevena bogatom mrežom kapilara. A. choroidea caudalis, kao subpialna arterija, vaskulariše NCO (nucleus corticalis) i AER (area enthorhinalis). Bazolateralni deo amigdale vaskulariše samo a. choroid rostralis. Bogata mreža kapilara uočava se u NBL (nucleus basolateralis) i NLP (nucleus lateralis posterior) a nešto siromašnija u NBM (nucleus basomedialis). Krv u amigdalu dovode dve arterije: a. choroidea rostralis, grana od a. cerebri media, i a. choroidea caudalis, grana od a. cerebri caudalis. Svaki nukleus amigdale ima svoju centralnu arteriju i oko nje jako razvijenu mrežu
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceActa veterinaria - Beograd
dc.subjectnuclei of the amygdalaen
dc.subjectmassa intercalataen
dc.subjectarea enthorhinalisen
dc.titleThe arterial vascularization of the amygdala in dogsen
dc.titleArterijska vaskularizacija amigdale psasr
dc.citation.other58(5-6): 555-562

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