Now showing items 3-21 of 21

      Catecholamines as mediators of male gonadal hormone action on thymopoiesis [1]
      Colonization of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus spp. strains in hospitals setting – phenotipic and genotipic characterization of isolated strains and risk factors for colonization [1]
      Digestomics of peanut allergens and characterization of digestion resistant fragments [1]
      Digestomika alergena kikirikija i karakterizacija fragmenata otpornih na proteolizu [1]
      Fenotipske karakteristike peritonealnih makrofaga dva soja pacova tokom razvoja inflamatornog odgovora: značaj predstavnika crevne mikrobiote [1]
      Heart rate variability and ß-adrenergic receptor gene expression in doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy [1]
      Immunomodulatory activity of recombinant banana lectin isoform in large intestine of BALB/c mice under physiological and pathological conditions [1]
      Imunomodulatorna aktivnost rekombinanatne izoforme lektina iz banane u fiziološkim i patološkim uslovima u debelom crevu miševa BALB/c soja [1]
      Kateholamini kao medijatori delovanja muških polnih hormona na timopoezu : [1]
      Kolonizacija vankomicin-rezistentnim Enterococcus spp. sojevima u bolničkoj sredini - genotipska i fenotipska karakterizacija sojeva i faktori rizika za kolonizaciju [1]
      Neurotoksično dejstvo venoma Vipera ammodytes na modelu izolovane dijafragme pacova [1]
      Neurotoxic effect of Vipera ammodytes venom on the rat isolated diaphragm model [1]
      Phenotypical characteristics of peritoneal macrophages of two rat strains during inflammatory response: the importance of gut microbiota representatives [1]
      Polne i sojne specifičnosti promena citokinskog profila makrofaga ženki pacova u reproduktivnom starenju [1]
      Sex and strain-specific changes of macrophage cytokine profile in female rats during reproductive aging [1]
      Supplementary information for the article: Kosanović, D.; Dyas, M.; Grogan, H.; Kavanagh, K. Differential Proteomic Response of Agaricus Bisporus and Trichoderma Aggressivum f. Europaeum to Bacillus Velezensis Supernatant. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2021, 160 (2). [1]
      Trichoderma species causing green mould disease of button mushroom [Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach] and their sensitivity to fungicides and biofungicides [1]
      Varijabilitet srčane frekvencije i ekspresija ß-adrenergičkih receptora u kardiomiopatiji izazvanoj doksorubicinom [1]
      Vrste roda Trichoderma, uzročnici zelene plesni šampinjona [Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach] i njihova osetljivost na fungicide i biofungicide [1]