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Autoimunske bolesti štitaste žlezde - in vivo dijagnostika

dc.creatorŽivančević-Simonović, Snežana
dc.creatorĐukić, Aleksandar
dc.creatorMatović, Milovan D.
dc.creatorDimitrijević, Ljiljana
dc.description.abstractAutoimmune thyroid disease, Graves disease and Hashimoto thyroiditis, cause changing in morphology and function of the thyroid tissue. Graves disease is characterized by an increased synthesis and release of thyroid hormones (hyperthyrosis). Hashimoto fhyroiditis is characterized by the destruction and regeneration of thyroid follicles, which are clinically expressed by symptoms of hypothyrosis. Less frequently, Hashimoto fhyroiditis is expressed by transient thyrotoxicosis (if the destruction of the thyroid gland tissue is extremely emphasized). In order to examine thyroid morphology and function, there are numerous in iga diagnostic methods. Ultrasono graphy enables the examination of the fine structure and vasculanzation of the thyroid gland, and nuclear medicine methods reflect the function of the thyroid tissue. Radioactive iodine uptake is useful in assessment of the ability of thyrocytes to uptake iodide, and scmtigraphy gives the morpho-functional picture of the thyroid gland. Scintigraphy of orbital tissue gives the insight of orbital accumulation of the activated leucocytes. Although modem imaging methods (positron emission tomography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging) are very useful in assessment of nodular changes in the thyroid gland and retrostemal goiter, these techniques are not widely applied in diagnostic procedures of autoimmune thyroid diseases. In this study we reviewed in vivo diagnostic methods used in the examination of Graves disease and Hashimoto thyroiditis, we considered their significance in the investigation of pathological process in the thyroid gland and we noticed the factors which could influence the results of morphological and functional investigations of the thyroid gland.en
dc.description.abstractAutoimunske bolesti štitaste žlezde, Gravesova bolest i Hashimoto tireoiditis, prouzrokuju promenu strukture i funkcije tireoidnog tkiva. Gravesovu bolest karakteriše povećana sinteza i oslobađanje tireoidnih hormona (hipemreoza), a Hashimoto tireoiditis destrukcija i regeneracija tireoidnih folikula, koje se klinički ispoljavaju simptomima hipotireoze, a ako je destrukcija tkiva štitaste žlezde veoma izražena, privremeno mogu da se jave i simptomi tireotoksikoze. Da bi se ispitala struktura i funkcija tireoidnog tkiva primenjuju se brojne in vivo dijagnostičke metode. Ultrasonografija daje uvid u finu strukturu i vaskularizaciju štitaste žlezde, a metode nuklearne medicine odslikavaju funkciju tireoidnog tkiva. Testom fiksacije radioaktivnog joda procenjuje se sposobnost tireocita da preuzmu jodid, a scintigrafijom se dobija morfofunkcijska slika štitaste žlezde. Scintigrafijom orbite kod obolelih od Gravesove bolesti ispituje se stepen infiltracije orbitalnog tkiva aktivisanim leukocitima. Iako su savremene imaging metode (pozitronska emisiona tomografija, kompjuterizovana tomografija i magnetna rezonanca) veoma korisne u ispitivanju nodoznih promena u štitastoj žlezdi i substemame strume, te metode nisu značajnije zastupljene u dijagnostici autoimunskih tireoidnih bolesti. U ovom radu su prikazane in vivo dijagnostičke metode koje se koriste u dijagnostici Gravesove bolesti i Hashimoto tireoiditisa, njihov značaj u ispitivanju patološkog procesa u štitastoj žlezdi i faktori koji svojim dejstvom mogu da utiču na rezultate
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Kragujevcu - Fakultet medicinskih nauka, Kragujevac
dc.subjectGraves diseaseen
dc.subjectHashimoto thyroiditisen
dc.subjectradioactive iodine uptakeen
dc.subjectGravesova bolestsr
dc.subjectHashimoto tireoiditissr
dc.subjecttest fiksacije radioaktivnog jodasr
dc.titleAutoimmune thyroid diseases: In vivo diagnosticsen
dc.titleAutoimunske bolesti štitaste žlezde - in vivo dijagnostikasr
dc.citation.other5(1): 27-33

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