Приказ резултата 877-889 од 889

      Vaccination and autoimmunity: Influenza vaccination and association with multiple sclerosis [1]
      Vaccine model of antiphospholipid syndrome induced by tetanus vaccine [1]
      Vakcinacija i autoimunost - vakcina protiv gripa i povezanost sa multiplom sklerozom [1]
      Vakcinacija žena u trudnoći i laktaciji [1]
      Vancomycin-resistant enterococci colonization within hemodialysis population- single centre experience [1]
      Varijabilitet srčane frekvencije i ekspresija ß-adrenergičkih receptora u kardiomiopatiji izazvanoj doksorubicinom [1]
      Veza cirkulišućeg nivoa sklerostina sa markerima metabolizma kostiju kod pacijenata sa poremećajem rada štitaste žlezde [1]
      Virulence factors, antibiotic resistance, and bacteriocins in enterococci from artisan foods of animal origin [1]
      Virus isolation from the kidney, tumors and lymph nodes of patients with ben [1]
      Vrste roda Trichoderma, uzročnici zelene plesni šampinjona [Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach] i njihova osetljivost na fungicide i biofungicide [1]
      Water-filtered Infrared A and visible light (wIRA/VIS) treatment reduces Chlamydia caviae-induced ocular inflammation and infectious load in a Guinea pig model of inclusion conjunctivitis [1]
      West Nile virus in the Republic of Serbia—Diagnostic performance of five serological tests in dog and horse sera [1]
      β-Adrenoceptor Blockade Moderates Neuroinflammation in Male and Female EAE Rats and Abrogates Sexual Dimorphisms in the Major Neuroinflammatory Pathways by Being More Efficient in Males [1]