Приказ резултата 849-868 од 882

      Thyroid C cells of middle-aged rats treated with estradiol or calcium [1]
      Thyroid function and antithyroid autoantibodies in patients with connective tissue diseases [1]
      Transit times of kiwi fruit proteins through rat's gastrointestinal [1]
      Trichoderma species causing green mould disease of button mushroom [Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach] and their sensitivity to fungicides and biofungicides [1]
      Trichoderma species on Agaricus bisporus farms in Serbia and their biocontrol [1]
      Tropomyosin sensitization as a link between shellfish anaphylaxis and asthma reactivation [1]
      Trypsin as a Proteomic Probe for Assessment of Food Protein Digestibility in Relation to Chemical and Post-translational Modifications [1]
      Tula virus phylogeography [1]
      Two copies of bla (NDM-1) gene are present in NDM-1 producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from Serbia [1]
      Two new murine monoclonal antibodies raised against human IgG [1]
      Two seasons' experience with pandemic A H1N1 influenza infection in neonates [1]
      Typing of Surface Glycosilation of Microorganisms by Lectins with in House Elisa [1]
      Uloga oksidativnog stresa u patofiziologiji imunskog sistema [1]
      Unopposed Estrogen Supplementation/Progesterone Deficiency in Post-Reproductive Age Affects the Secretory Profile of Resident Macrophages in a Tissue-Specific Manner in the Rat [1]
      Uporedna primena dve metode za otkrivanje izlučivanja citomegalovirusa (CMV) urinom u grupi pacijenata sa rizikom od aktivne citomegalovirusne infekcije [1]
      Use of Lactobacillus helveticus BGRA43 for Manufacturing Fermented Milk Products [1]
      Uticaj beta-endorfina na edem šape i funkcije inflamatornih ćelija pacova [1]
      Uticaj krioprotektivnog medijuma sa glicerolom na liofilizaciju bakterija mlečne kiseline [1]
      Uticaj opioidnih peptida na produkciju superoksid anjona u peritonealnim makrofagama pacova stimulisanim zimozanom - uloga µ, δ i κ opioidnih receptora [1]
      Uticaj propranolola na sazrevanje timocita - značaj gonadnog statusa [1]