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Promene u limfatičnim organima komercijalnih pilića nakon vakcinacije protiv Marekove bolesti - histološka i stereološka analiza

dc.creatorMiljković, Biljana
dc.creatorRakin, Ana
dc.creatorAšanin, Ružica
dc.creatorDimitrijević, Ljiljana
dc.creatorMićić, Mileva
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to investigate histomorphometrical characteristics of the thymus, bursa of Fabricius and spleen in the chickens vaccinated with a vaccine against Marek’s disease. For this purpose, we used newly hatched chickens of the light hybrid line, obtained from a local hatchery. The chickens were vaccinated on the 5th day after hatching with a bivalent cell-associated Marek's disease vaccine (PFU-2000 per dose). On day 13 both vaccinated chickens and unvaccinated controls were sacrificed, and thymus, bursa and spleen were removed and processed for light microscopy. The serial tissue sections, hematoxylin-eosine stained, were used for histomorphometric analysis. Vaccination against Marek’s disease decreased the relative mass of the lymphoid organs, and caused significant damage of the thymus and spleen in experimental chicken. In addition, vaccination, similar to Marek's disease virus, induced morphometric changes in the lymphoid organs. Namely, it significantly decreased the diameter and volume of lymphoid follicles, volume of follicular medulla and number of cells in the follicular cortex in the bursa of Fabricius. In the thymus, vaccination reduced the thymus volume and the absolute number of thymocytes. However, vaccination against Marek’s disease caused an increase in the diameter, number and volume of lymphoid follicles in the spleen. The present data suggest that vaccination against Marek’s disease was able to induce the immune response in processed organs, although it reduced the mass and number of lymphocytes in the major lymphoid organs.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovih ispitivanja su bile histomorfometrijske karakteristike timusa, burze Fabricii i slezine pilića vakcinisanih protiv Marekove bolesti. Za istraživanja su korišćeni jednodnevni pilići lake hibridne linije, gajeni u standardnim uslovima. Pilići su vakcinisani 5. dana od izleganja, bivalentnom vakcinom protiv Marekove bolesti (PFU 2000 po dozi). Trinaestog dana od izleganja kontrolni i vakcinisani pilići su žrtvovani, uzeti su im timus, burza Fabricii i slezina koji su pripremljeni za svetlosno mikroskopsku analizu. Za analizu su korišćeni serijski preseci limfatič nih organa, bojeni metodom hematoksilin-eozin. Dobijeni rezultati su ukazali da vakcinacija protiv Marekove bolesti dovodi do smanjenja relativne mase timusa, burze i slezine, kao i povećanja indeksa oštećenja timusa i slezine. Takođe je ustanovjleno da vakcinacija dovodi do promena morfometrijskih parametara u limfatičnim organima. U burzi Fabricii je uočeno značajno smanjenje dijametra i zapremine limfocitnih folikula, zapremine medule folikula i broja ćelija u korteksu folikula. U timusu vakcinacija dovodi do redukcije zapremine timusa i apsolutnog broja timocita. Međutim, vakcinacija protiv Marekove bolesti u slezini dovodi do povećanja dijametra limfocitnih folikula, kao i do povećanja njihovog broja i zapremine. Rezultati ove studije su ukazali da vakcinacija pilića protiv Marekove bolesti, iako redukuje broj T i B limfocita, indukuje razvoj imunskog
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceActa veterinaria - Beograd
dc.subjectbursa of Fabriciusen
dc.subjectMarek's diseaseen
dc.titleChanges in lymphatic organs of layer chickens following vaccination against Marek’s disease: Histological and stereological analysisen
dc.titlePromene u limfatičnim organima komercijalnih pilića nakon vakcinacije protiv Marekove bolesti - histološka i stereološka analizasr
dc.citation.other58(1): 3-16



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